
Cloud and On-Premises Scan Engines

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Move with speed and flexibility—without compromising power

Scan multiple targets at a time with InsightAppSec's cloud engines. Pre-production and internal web applications hosted on closed networks can also be scanned with an optional scan engine deployed on-premises. Download the engine installer directly from InsightAppSec, pair it with your account, and access all of your internal and external scan configurations and results from the cloud-based console.

Start scanning without the headaches of deployment

Get up and running quickly with InsightAppSec's cloud engines. For your internet-facing applications, run scans without any local installation of software. Have an especially large number of scans to run in a short period of time? InsightAppSec was built to scale: Spin up additional cloud engines to run multiple scans simultaneously—all at no additional cost.

Scan comprehensively across your environment

Get visibility into the vulnerabilities in your offline applications. To stay truly secure, pre-production and internal apps must also be audited for bugs. InsightAppSec makes this process simple with an easily accessible scan engine that can be paired on your closed networks. pg电子 are stored in the cloud right alongside those generated by cloud-based scan engines, so all of your analysis and reporting is centralized.

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